Month: March 2021
Outpatient services: Over the 10-year period between the first and third surveys, out of pocket spending declined in nominal terms, from KShs 61.5 billion in 2003 to KShs 43.9 billion in 2007, and then rose to KShs 62.1 billion in 2013, an increase of about 42 per cent. The average per capita spending for…
MeMA January-February News Letter
Greetings, How are you? We are doing well. It has been a busy January and February and we praise God for his grace and strength through it all. We are currently in the process of placing our Ministry workers in different places. To know more about this, please read our News Letter. January – February…
Missionary Story
Evance Onyango was a medical missionary in South Sudan. Onyango hails from Nyanza region and narrates his story and experience in the missions Field as a clinical Officer In obedience to great commission, we commence our journey from Kenya.” We arrived in Tonj safely even though the journey was very tiresome since it was my…