According to the Kenya Prison Service, Kenyan Prisons has approximately 54,000 inmates, 48% are detainees awaiting trial, and the rest are sentenced, prisoners. 70 % of cases that go through the justice system are likely to involve; being drunk or disorderly, lack of business licenses, creating a disturbance, illegal gambling, and illegal grazing among other petty offences.

The majority of the prisoner’s report being bitter, depressed, and miserable. You can put a smile on their faces by visiting them on weekends, public holidays or during the festive season.

Why Visit Prisoners 

More than 75% of the prisoners in Kenya are youth aged between 18-35 yeras. They need mentors to offer them the guidance they lack. You are the right person for this role because you can share your life and knowledge that can help them reform.

Almost half of those in Kenyan Prisons are yet to get their day in court. A good number of them are innocent, yet they spend several months to years in prison. You are the source of encouragement and a listening ear they need to help them pull through the prolonged detainment.

Some of the prisoners have never been shown care or received loved. This is a great opportunity to show them the love of Christ that they desperately need, which can lead to a change of heart and behavior.

Prisoners have minimal human contact, yet they are expected to go back to society and relate well with people after many years in a confined cell. You assist them in reconnecting with the outside world when you interact with them. This boosts their confidence and prepares them to interact with others once they get out.

Visiting prisoners is a sign of obedience to God, who requires His followers to meet their spiritual and physical needs. It is also an opportunity to share the gospel of Christ that leads to transformation.

Activities to Help You Interact with Inmates.


Kenyan prisoners have ample free time on their hands. Having the right connection with the relevant organizations or churches allows you to take part in some of the following activities;


  • Volunteer to lecture or train on a field you are passionate about
  • Team up with friends or church members to go and do fun activities with them.
  • Have sports tournaments with them
  • Buy the much-needed toiletries and deliver them as a onetime visit or regularly
  • Support an innocent child of an inmate caught in the vices of their parents
  • Hold a medical camp for the prisoners
  • Have regular discipleship classes


Have you visited any prison? What activities did you do with the prisoners? Please share your experience in the comments sections.

How We Execute Our Prison Visit

At Medical Missions Africa, we obey the call that God has given us by visiting those in prison. In conjunction with the Prisons Fellowship Kenya, we are conducting a medical camp today.


Jane Kariuki has written this article. Jane is one of the members of MeMA, trained in Clinical Medicine and Counselling Psychology

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